

英国论文代写 论文通

英国论文通 ASSIGNMENT PASS - 论文代写以独特的英国论文代写.英国essay代写和assignment代写专业服务理念,尝试创新的代写形式赢得了英国留学生的口碑.我们代写团队对于代写论文采取多样化的手段.做到了代写论文的原创性和对论文抄袭的杜绝.



最好的选择似乎是建立与北方不同的南欧,甚至可能由于经济繁荣程度低而贬值。 国内交易与欧元一起用于国际交易的使用看起来是理想的,因为这使得欧盟市场能够顺利,逐步地渗透,并为南欧的机会提供了个人地位。 这可能会让它整合得更快,因为它们几乎处于相同的经济水平,而且约束它们可能并不困难。 南欧可以独立贸易,在国际市场上创造自己的利基,使其成为符合其核心竞争力的全球贸易协定的新实体。 欧盟之间的欧元交易可能会更频繁,没有风险错误风险,导致欧盟内部根据其在不同经济部门的实力投资更多的投资。


The best possible option seems to be the establishment of the southern Euro which is different from the northern one, and may even be devalued due to its lower economic prosperity. The using of domestic currency for domestic transactions alongside the Euro for international transactions looks ideal, because it makes possible a smooth and gradual penetration in the EU market and provides the southern euro opportunity to be recognized for its individual position. This may allow it to integrate faster because all are almost at same economic levels and binding them may not be difficult. The southern Euro can trade independently and create its own niche in international market, allowing it to be a new entity in global trade agreements that suit their core competencies. The exchange of Euro between the EU may be more frequent and without a risk of mispricing risks, leading to more intra-EU investments according to their internal strengths in different sectors of the economy.

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