assignment 代写:影响行为的元素


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assignment 代写:影响行为的元素

第一段更直接、更开放、更直接,使用了更多段落中涉及到的能够影响行为的元素,例如,这里的语言和文化被认为是破坏了交流的意图,而不是用户使用它们。这种风格更具有挑衅性,要求中国人立即或极端的行动,这使读者更专注,更有可能采取行动(Stott & Avery, 2001)。写作是主动的,而不是被动的,每句话都试图唤起或引发一个极其重要的行动。当它使用中国人必须具备足够的沟通能力时,这种风格也是修辞性的。这表明被说服的可能性更大。从论点的意图来看,终点线更令人印象深刻。

第二段是一个轻松愉快的段落,使用理想的或不具威胁性的修辞,从一句话轻松地引到另一句话,而无意挑起或引起任何行动。写作风格是连续的,流畅的,留下较少的空间,为提高词汇的鉴赏力(罗马诺,2000)。写作风格越简单,越有说服力,就越不可能让读者立即采取行动,而是去思考这些建议背后的理由(Carpenter, 1995)。从说服中国人学会与美国人交流的简单性来看,这是一种轻松、有根据和纯粹的说教。《终点线》就不那么令人印象深刻了,可能需要更多的编辑才能让它更有说服力,更值得读者接受更多的接管和认可。

assignment 代写:影响行为的元素

第一段主要受尼采及其作品的影响,尤其是他的《权力意志》(Nietzsche et al., 1967)一书,风格浮夸。词汇的选择和排列是惊人的。作者似乎说话咄咄逼人,几乎是在攻击字句。影响很大程度上来自写作能力和尼采书中体现的风格,这来自他的警句,“我的抱负是用一句话表达别人在书中说了什么,很多人在书中没有说什么”。段落使用这种方法,以避免错过每个句子中表达的机会。这种风格引人入胜,充满危险,而且超越了主题。因此,应该说的话,最终转移到必须说或需要说的话之外。这些额外的信息是选择的风格和词汇的基础。


assignment 代写:影响行为的元素

The first paragraph is more upfront, open, direct and uses more of the elements involved in the paragraph as capable of effecting an act, for example, language and culture here are seen to break the intent of communication rather than their use by the user. The style is more provoking, demanding an immediate or extreme action by the Chinese, which makes the reader more attentive, and more likely to act (Stott & Avery, 2001). The writing is active and not passive, evident by each sentence trying to revive or give rise to an extremely important action. The style is also rhetorical when it uses the necessity of the Chinese to be equipped enough to communicate. This shows the chances of persuasion more likely. The finishing line is more impressive when considered in terms of the intent of the argument.

The second paragraph is a light hearted one, and uses rhetoric in its ideal or non-threatening sense, leading very cosily from one sentence to another, without intending to provoke or give rise to any action. The writing style is sequential and smooth, leaving less room for flair of heightened words (Romano, 2000). The style being simpler and progressively persuasive is less likely to create anyone reading to take immediate action, but to ponder over the reasoning behind the suggestions (Carpenter, 1995). It is light, grounded, and undiluted in terms of the simplicity of persuading the Chinese to learn communication with the American. The finishing line is less impressive and may need more editing to make it more persuasive and worthy of receiving more receivership and approval from readers.

assignment 代写:影响行为的元素

The first paragraph has been influenced largely by referring to Nietzsche and his writing, especially his book ‘Will to Power’ (Nietzsche et al., 1967), which is flamboyant in style. The choice of words and their placing is phenomenal. The author seems to speak aggressively with almost an assault on the words and sentences. The influence is largely from the writing ability and the style that is reflected in Nietzsche’s book, which comes from his epigram that says – ‘It is my ambition to convey in one sentence, what others say in a book and what many don’t say in a book’. The paragraph uses this approach to avoid missing the opportunity available in each sentence to be expressive. The style is provoking, dangerous, and transcends the subject. What is meant to be said, therefore ends up in transferring more than what must be said or is required to be said. This extra information that comes is the cornerstone of the style chosen and the breath of vocabulary.

The second paragraph is influenced by reading John Maxwell’s book ‘The 15 invaluable laws of growth’ (Maxwell, 2012). Maxwell is a self-help author, poised, calm, content person and is patient in explaining and arguing his contention. The choice of words is selective, non-threatening, soothing and warmth providing. His style is simple and informative and involves a broad area of vocabulary, restricted within a defined boundary. The writing does not provoke to take action but offers suggestions and requests the reader to think. This differs to a large extent from the flamboyant Nietzsche, who is sarcastic yet profound. The style is borrowed from Maxwell which seems as if he is over-conscious of what is to be written, and thus ends up being more informative, suggestive, recommending, and less capable, when required to provoke the reader to take immediate action. He is more thoughtful of the consequences but probably ends up being overtly nice and likeable.

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