論文 代寫-PPACA對雇主員工的影響


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本文主要講述的是PPACA對雇主員工的影響,此外,PPACA還以多種方式影響了雇主僱傭員工從事兼職工作。最重要的是《全職僱員法案》的定義,這導致雇主參與定義兼職雇主的方式與健康保險的資格有關。 PRACA將工作時間在30小時以上的員工視為全職員工(Alamanda, 2013)。本篇論文 代寫文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Furthermore the PPACA has influenced employers who are using employees for part time work in several manners. The most essential is the full time employees Act’s definition which results in the way in which employers engage in defining part time employers with regard to health coverage eligibility. The PRACA takes into consideration employees working for 30 hours or higher to be employees who are full time workers (Alamanda, 2013).
Under the PRACA employer shared responsibilities, all employees that work 30 hours average or higher in a 30 day period for large employer applicability should have eligibility for employer’s affordable coverage which might be subjected to penalties. Certain employers have defined traditionally part time workers as those who work lesser than 35 hours on a wee and do not have offered employees with the correct coverage in health care. In the PPACA requirements light, employers wishing at revising their part time employment definition or expanding their eligibility coverage for health care.
Also, several part time workers need to be considered when it has to be determined whether employer is able to meet the threshold employing number at the least for 50 full time workers. Employers who are on the 50 FTE size borderline will also want monitoring the part time employees hours in a careful manner and in a regular manner for ensuring such employees are not influencing the number of threshold. The requirement of PPACA for employers for offering coverage of health care to employees who work for 30 or higher hours each week for avoiding penalties should indulge in some hiring by employers over part time employees works especially for those who are working lesser than 30 hours each week (Alamanda, 2013).
This is due to the fact that there do not exist any penalties under the act of PPACA for health insurance not being offered to employees who are part timers even when the coverage which has been offered for employees in full time are eligible for these part timers. While full time employees going to an exchange for state health insurance for purchasing the coverage will in turn result in triggering penalties for major employers while this is not the same for employees who are part timers seeking for coverage by engaging in exchanges. Employers further require weighing cons and pros to have a staff which is more heavily made from part time employee’s employment. Several of such considerations such as a culture of a company and sense of commitment for employees are not identifiable easily as the premium cost.


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