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许多研究人员都在努力将有关劳动力需求的考虑纳入考虑之中。根据艾伦(1981年)旷工的理论模型,旷工被视为一种与享乐框架(艾伦1981a)发展有关的非经济因素。该要约的功能是由艾伦提出的,该雇主指的是在特定的利润范围内,在规定的条件下,雇员的缺勤率和工资的综合比率。如果每一个雇主都按照这样的曲线来分类,那么每条曲线的封包将有助于在市场上的不存在与工资之间的交易(Allen 1981b)。在类似的意义上,一个家庭关于无差异曲线的代表缺席和工资之间的偏好可以派生出的每一个个体,谁会选择用人单位,这样有一个切线曲线对信封提供曲线的每一个雇主。如果缺勤是工作的一个令人愉快的属性,那么这个模型有助于预测缺勤率和工资率之间的反比关系。尽管享乐主义的方法似乎同时包含了劳动力供给和劳动力需求的考虑,但令人失望的是,在艾伦(Blundell和沃克2003)的领导下,后来的作者们失败了。


A number of researchers have endeavoured for the incorporation of considerations regarding labour demand. According to the theoretical model of absenteeism by Allen (1981), absenteeism is treated as a non- pecuniary attribute related to the package of compensation by the development of hedonic framework (Allen 1981a). The offer function has been derived by Allen regarding an employer indicating the combined rates of absence and wage within the willingness of provision at a specific amount of profit. Provided that each and every employer is categorized by such a curve of offer, the enveloped of each and every curve will help in yielding the trade- off between absence and wages in existence across the market (Allen 1981b). In the similar sense, a family regarding the curves of indifference represents the preferences between absence and wages can be derived out of each and every individual, who will be choosing the employer such that there is a tangent curve of indifference to the envelope regarding the offer curves of every employer. Provided that absence is an agreeable attribute of job, the model helps in predicting the inverse relationship between absence and wage rates. Even though the hedonic approach seems to be incorporating both, the considerations of labour supply and labour demand, it is disappointing to state that there has been failure of subsequent authors for following the lead of Allen (Blundell and Walker 2003).

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