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在越南与50名教师进行了研究。教师是本土和非本土英语教师的混合体(Walkinshaw and Duong, 2012)。这些教室里的学生再次混合了以英语为母语和非英语为母语的学生。在课堂上观察到,学生认为母语为英语的老师知识更渊博。他们觉得这影响了他们在教学中的表现。本研究表明,对NES教师存在正向偏见(Walkinwshaw, 2012)。研究表明,这些认知会对学生的表现产生影响。



语言学研究表明,NNES教师积极参与语言学习(Mahboob, 2010)。这些教室里的学生表示,当本土老师教他们这种语言时,他们在考试中表现得更好。学生对本土教师讲授的课程内容更有信心。这是因为人们天生认为这些老师更好。这使他们发展更熟练,也影响了他们的教学实践。另一方面,新经济学院的教师并没有根据社会的动态变化来学习语言和发展自己。这是根据研究观察到的(Hayes, 2009)。除此之外,NNES教师在教学过程中还发现了他们的文化身份和天生的学习能力。这就为学生创造了一个创新教学的环境。教师可以获得语言及其结构的独特视角(Mahboob, 2010)。在这一进程中可以进行更多的公开对话和讨论。

NNEST的老师在教授母语为英语的学生时也缺乏自信。这就会影响学生在考试中的表现。这种缺乏自信导致教师不能有效地向学生解释主题(Mahboob, 2010)。教师对语言有一种不熟悉的感觉,这就导致教师发挥自己的潜力。缺乏自信导致教师的热情慢慢下降。由于缺乏信心,他们没有采取更多创新的方法。


The English language has become ubiquitous. There are a growing number of English speaking teachers whose native language is different. Organizations such as TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other languages) have taken a number of efforts to ensure that the NNES Teachers and the NES Teachers are hired fairly. There is still a positive bias towards the NES Teachers.

Research was undertaken in Vietnam with 50 teachers. The teachers were a mixture of the Native and Non- Native English teachers (Walkinshaw and Duong, 2012). The students in these classrooms were again a mixture of the native and the non-native English speaking students. It was observed in the classrooms that the native English teachers were perceived to be more knowledgeable by the students. They felt it impacted their performances in teaching. This research indicated that there is a positive bias towards the NES teachers (Walkinwshaw, 2012).The research states that these perceptions lead to the impacting in the performances of the students.


Research by Mahboob (2010) also indicates the same findings but state that there are many advantages of a NNEST for the students who are from native and non-native English students.

Linguistic research has indicated that the NNES teachers are found to be actively involved in language learning (Mahboob, 2010). The students in these classrooms state that they perform better in the tests when a Native teacher teaches them the language. The students are more confident in the lesson content that is taught by the native teachers. This is because of the innate belief that these teachers are found to be better. This makes them develop more proficiency and also influences their teaching practices. NES Teachers on the other hand do not learn the language and develop themselves based on the dynamic changes in the society. This has been observed according to research (Hayes, 2009). Apart from this the NNES teacher have been found to include their cultural identity and their innate learning ability in the teaching process. This creates a situation where there is innovative teaching done for the students. The teachers can gain unique perspective of the language and its constructs (Mahboob, 2010). There can be even more open dialogue and discussion that can be enabled in this process.

NNEST teachers also have a lack of confidence when they teach the native English speaking students. This leads to the impact in the performance of the students in the tests. This lack in confidence causes the teachers not effectively explains the subject matter to the students (Mahboob, 2010). There is a sense of unfamiliarity with the language and this causes the teachers to work under their potential. There is a lack in confidence that leads to slow degradation in the passion of the teachers. They do not take more innovative approaches due to the lack in confidence.

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