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亚里斯多德在第一卷和第三卷所论述的政治平等包括平等保护、平等权利和平等机会。政治革命描述了君主、贵族和民主的法律规则。亚里士多德政治的关键概念集中在经济条件下操纵陈述或假设的平等上。与亚里士多德发现有关的有益讨论是关于政治或经济平等。在讨论卡尔西顿时,它包括了对经济和政治平等的看法。根据亚里士多德的观点,要使一个城市有良好的统治和良好的秩序,经济和政治平等是必要的。在第一卷中,它被告知社会经验,语言和公民之间的关系可以支配平等的政治概念。亚里斯多德在第三卷中加剧了政治方面和道德方面之间的紧张关系。在第三卷(Pearson, 2012)中讨论了公民身份在现实中的作用,证明了平等和自由的政治认同。通过调查,讨论了理想城邦的概念和政治问题的两卷研究,涉及到经济、伦理和政治平等。


The political equality conversed by Aristotle in Book I and Book III includes the equal protection, equal rights and equal opportunities. The political revolution described the monarchic, aristocratic and the democratic rules of law. The key concept of Aristotle’s politics concentrates on the equality of manipulating statement or hypothesis in regards to the economic condition. The beneficial discussion connected to the discovery of Aristotle is about the political or economic equality. During the discussion of the Chalcedon, it includes the perception about the economic and political equality. According to the opinion of Aristotle, to make a city well ruled and finely ordered, the economic and the political equality are necessary. In Book I, it is notified that the social experiences, languages and the relationship between the citizens can govern the political concept of equality. The tension between the political aspects and the moral aspects is intensified by Aristotle in Book III. The political identity of equality and the liberty are demonstrated by the effect of citizenship in reality which is discussed in Book III (Pearson, 2012). Through this investigation, the conception of the ideal polis and the two-volume study of political matters are discussed which is related to the economic, ethical and political equality.

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